Friday, January 27, 2006

Day 14

Couldnt get in here yesterday...was there a fault or something?

No matter - what was yesterday's is now todays!!

Red wine, deep and rich
Violet overtones shine
Grape from the old world

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Day 13

Oooo..shiver Artic freeze on the way. 52 people died so far in Europe with this bast of chill. Brrrrrrrrr.....

Now I know most of my haikus to date were probably not proper haiku, so perhaps this one is better?

Laden skies snow bound
The dogs shiver in the wind -
Warm fires welcome me.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Day 12

Well this is where I was a haiku....sorry ... MA interview- not prepared at all......I think they didnt take me seriously but I am - deadly serious- however my external demeanour usually lets me down and it didnt fail on this occasion.....drats............

M.A. interview
OMG its too much stress
She runs for cover

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Day 11

As we drove out one Sunday morn.....the fog came down and a surreal landscape covers the fields and woods of south agricultural area of mixed farming and deeply rural even though within two ticks of Derby City... its hunting country too- Prince Charles apparently turns up every so often with his entourage and offers his company to select locals in exchange for board and lodgings...what quaint customs still exist in England eh?

Anyway I digress....haiku!

Deep mists obscure day
Tree tops swim above the grey tide
swirling over fields

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Day 10

Is it getting easier to do these or am I writing trash? Whatever, it's a beautiful and unusually mild winter morning...birdies out chirping, spring is in the air, bulbs coming up, trees budding and its only January.....warning warming....

Pale duck egg blue sky
Translucent, deep beyond measure
Whisps of clouds float by

Friday, January 20, 2006

Day 9

A typical day and I am left fuming as usual..hence today's haiku.....

No blood for oil you
Say, war is not the answer,
Who believes in peace?

Ah well, perhaps I shall feel more traditional tomorrow!

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Day 8

Well I dont know if this is strictly kosher haiku.....but it's just one for Pilates fans

Pelvic floor up, navel
To spine, breathe in, breathe out and
Lift, pulse, and… RELAX………..

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Day 7

Wasnt this the day that God took a rest from creating the world?? I could be doing with a rest from creating Committee Reports.........*smoulders*

Haiku for today

Tulips in a vase
red and yellow heads swoop,
glide, arch gracefully.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Day 6

Before the sun disappears and the world turns grey again:

Early sun lights on
faded flower, bringing it
fleeting fresh glory

Monday, January 16, 2006

Day 5

Well I was malingering in hospital today as a day patient having a little something or other checked out. And while I was awaiting my turn in surgery looking out the window the general winter day inspired this:

Incessant grey rain
a veil over the bare wood.
Sodden birds huddle.

Hmmm, bit gloomy but then it was wet, pouring with rain, grey and grotty. I felt quite sorry for the birds; from my distance they looked extremely fed up and sulky. I think the weather is supposed to pick up soon........

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Day 4

Another dawn, another day, a more traditional haiku to keep me away from politics, the state of the world, global warming, extinction of plants and animals and why traffic lights always turn red when I am in a hurry. Not very green am I ??

OK , haiku:

Winter soughing through
the barren branches of woods
Slumbering on springtime

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Day 3

I knew I wouldnt manage to do this every day...but at least my mind is thinking about writing. I have two haikus ( is that the right plural?) today to catch up.

They are a great distraction from all the horrible stuff going on in the world. How can one individual do anything against the amount of hate seemingly going on in the world still? Years ago, whilst doing population studies at Uni we had a lecture about how populations behave at increasing densities...experimenting with rats of course. Porr rats- if I were a rat I might have something to say about being used in experiments...I mean where's my rat rights? Anyhoo- the outcome of this experiment was that at higher and higher densities of living rats started to get depressed, angry and increasingly mentally disturbed, until at very high densities they even ate themselves- chewing away at a leg here and a tail there.....and this is how we behave too. Malthusian theory here being played out in the lab, and in the world today. The answer? Nature culls us, and we should cull ourselves- not through war, but by having fewer children...two at most....not 3 or 5 or 10 or even 15 as one silly woman here has done.

But this is not haiku...........

Fat dog on the rug
Supine, snoring in hidden dreams,
Leave her to her sighs

Weeds grow fitfully
Amongst the broken paving.
Sad land of no hope

I guess it was this second one that got me thinking......try and do a lighter one next!!

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Day 1

As part of my daily mental exercise I am creating this blog in the (vain?) hope that I will visit everyday -or so- and get in the groove......

If anyone wants to contribute then please do.....I would love to read others contributions and perhaps we can create a place in space to create and share......

First haiku:

Winter frost on leaves
Brushing the ground with white ice
Diamonds in the night