Day 14
Couldnt get in here yesterday...was there a fault or something?
No matter - what was yesterday's is now todays!!
Red wine, deep and rich
Violet overtones shine
Grape from the old world
Mainly haiku but a few scribbles too
Couldnt get in here yesterday...was there a fault or something?
Oooo..shiver Artic freeze on the way. 52 people died so far in Europe with this bast of chill. Brrrrrrrrr.....
Well this is where I was a haiku....sorry ... MA interview- not prepared at all......I think they didnt take me seriously but I am - deadly serious- however my external demeanour usually lets me down and it didnt fail on this occasion.....drats............
As we drove out one Sunday morn.....the fog came down and a surreal landscape covers the fields and woods of south agricultural area of mixed farming and deeply rural even though within two ticks of Derby City... its hunting country too- Prince Charles apparently turns up every so often with his entourage and offers his company to select locals in exchange for board and lodgings...what quaint customs still exist in England eh?
Is it getting easier to do these or am I writing trash? Whatever, it's a beautiful and unusually mild winter morning...birdies out chirping, spring is in the air, bulbs coming up, trees budding and its only January.....warning warming....
A typical day and I am left fuming as usual..hence today's haiku.....
Well I dont know if this is strictly kosher haiku.....but it's just one for Pilates fans
Wasnt this the day that God took a rest from creating the world?? I could be doing with a rest from creating Committee Reports.........*smoulders*
Before the sun disappears and the world turns grey again:
Well I was malingering in hospital today as a day patient having a little something or other checked out. And while I was awaiting my turn in surgery looking out the window the general winter day inspired this:
Another dawn, another day, a more traditional haiku to keep me away from politics, the state of the world, global warming, extinction of plants and animals and why traffic lights always turn red when I am in a hurry. Not very green am I ??
I knew I wouldnt manage to do this every day...but at least my mind is thinking about writing. I have two haikus ( is that the right plural?) today to catch up.
As part of my daily mental exercise I am creating this blog in the (vain?) hope that I will visit everyday -or so- and get in the groove......