Thursday, February 23, 2006

Days 21 to 26??

OMG...slap my wirists and cover me with chocolate...I have been so busy with course work, not a chance to do my daily haikus. so here are 4 to help catch up

Line by line we sit
a double row of strangers;
Creation sparks.

Metal container
Locked, litter strewn around;
Recycling centre?

A woman screams in
The night as law is broken;
A PCs duty

Woods are wild and spare
The promise of spring to come;
Squirrels raid their stores.

And I must make more effort in future......

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Days 18, 19, 20

well ..I just get too busy.......

so 3 haikus to play catch up

Time drips, slips and streams
away into the past tense;
Grammar cannot stop it.

Twigs woven into
precarious home for new life;
Hope springs eternal

Litter swirls, eddies
lifts and twists, dancing with leaves;
Partners in the street

Monday, February 06, 2006

Day 17

its like counting the days of your jail sentence.....

Naff turquoise carpet
cream walls, fluorescent lights;
Doctor's waiting room

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Lets say its Day 16

So? I lost track thats all. Been busy again today- up to see my aged mother, who inspired this haiku. Hope they are getting more kosher as I practise, although I realise that this is not strictly speaking a haiku- its something else beginning with 's' that I cant remember 'cos its about emotions not seasons...

Faded memories
Forgotten dreams, lost hopes;
Old age is deadly.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Day..OMG Ive lost track

Knew it....knew I wouldnt get here everyday. Ah well. Traumatic few days...mother ill, auntie died and son gone away travelling for 9 hoo hoo. My life as a woman....

so only a haiku for today and perhaps if inspiration hits I might fill in the gaps...

Dusk, rush hour traffic
chaos, rivers of lights flood
Swans cruise overhead